
Cascarilla Powder

Cascarilla Powder


Cascarilla Powder is a cleansing and protection powder made from ground up egg shells. Cascarilla is effective in both warding off and expelling negative energy and attachments. By warding off the negative that leaves a lot of room for attraction for the positive so it can be thought of as being helpful in bringing positive energy and changes into your life as well.

How do you use it? In chalk form you can use it to draw sigils and symbols of protection around your home. When going to an interview I always draw sigils on the bottom of my shoe with Cascarilla powder. In powder form, the options are unlimited. Sprinkle it around doors and windows to provide a protective barrier. Add it to floor wash to wash away negative attachments, add it to a bath, and so much more!

  • 4 half ounce cups for $5

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