
Palo Santo Sticks

Palo Santo Sticks


Palo Santo Wood, also known as Holy Wood, can be used as incense sticks or an alternative to smudging with sage. It is purifying, cleansing and with a pleasant aroma sustainably harvested.
No trees are harmed in processing these sticks. The sticks are made from wood that has died naturally in the forest. No trees are cut down. Palo santo is a very different smudge than white sage. The scent is sweeter, rounder, and more mellow. It’s also a lighter burn. To work with this palo santo smudge stick, light one end of the wood. It will self-extinguish. Then, fan the smoke around you or your space to clear stagnant energies. This palo santo smudge stick will last you a very long time, even if you burn it regularly. Palo santo makes an amazing gift to anyone who is unwell or needs the clearing properties this important magical tool brings. Always burn on an abalone shell or heat-proof surface.

*This listing is for one (1) palo santo smudge stick (about 3”). Please allow for variation in shape and size, as these pieces are all cut by hand.*

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